Happy New Years! I have a long list of New Year’s Resolutions that I’m determined to accomplish this year. Some things on my list consist of making straight A’s this semester, which I’m sure will be a difficult task in itself! I want to travel to multiple states this year (which if I get this summer job, I will!) Some bigger things on my list consist of me wanting to be more daring, more creative, and more individualistic instead of following the crowd. But that’s a story for another day. One thing on my list is to start a blog. I’m starting this blog for a couple reasons. First, I love writing; it’s relaxing, fun, and it gives me a chance to be incredibly creative. Second, I’ve been inspired by many of my friends to start a blog. Though I’m doubtful many people will actually read what I write, I think it’ll still give me great pleasure just to be able to freely write about whatever I want. That’s the beauty of writing a blog; I can write about anything I want to! It can be whatever I want it to be! I can write it like a journal or like a column from a magazine or I can just write out my thoughts of the day. In my case, this blog will be mostly my thoughts, experience I have/am going through, advice, maybe some ranting, and my ups and downs; what it’s like being me as a working college student trying to be completely and incandescently happy with my life. While I would love to say that I’m committed to writing every day, I know that’s just not possible for a working college student like me. So I will write at least every other day and I’ll especially write when the occasion calls for it. One thing you should know about me, and this is the most important thing about me, is that I am a daughter of God and I’m doing everything I can to live my life completely and totally for Him J
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