So that makes me kind of at a crossroad. I don't want to make these decisions but I have to. Because of all this over-analyzing going on in my head last night, I preceded to have a breakdown. It was really sudden which made it worse. And it was right before my leadership meeting...great timing right? Fortunately for me, my bff Lo saw me as my breakdown was starting to happen and she pulled me aside and waited for me to spill (because she knew I would). Here's how it went down..."I don't want to make any of these decisions and there are too many decisions and what if that and what if this and blah blah blah" Seriously I can't even understand my mind sometimes. All these questions and concerns and fears come flooding out and I didn't even realize I had all these things in my head! I was just so suddenly overwhelmed that everything was a much bigger deal than it really was. I mean, these decisions are kind of big life decisions but in all honesty? Not doing me much good going around and having all these meltdowns. I mean, I know that I need to trust God completely and just stop worrying and stressing about all this. But that's easier said than done. And for a person like me who worries and stresses out like it's my job? It makes it harder to just simply give that up. I sometimes feel like I'm holding on so tightly to a life preserver so that I don't drown in all this stress and worry that is of the world. I hold on like it's giving me a "sense of security" when it's really giving me all these fears. Like if I don't hold on, everything will fall apart. I wonder what would happen if I just let go.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. "
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