Had a seizure and got the worst news a 20 year old could get....no driving for 6 months! Found out I didn't get into UF...then a week later, found out I did get into UF's ProTeach program!!
Continued to work hard at Santa Fe College....last semesterrrr!!!
Graduated from Santa Fe College!
No summer classes!!! Yay!!!! Worked more at Sonshine Preschool!
Continued to work...but then I got "let go"...really replaced. It was a messy situation..still a little bitter...
Went on vacay for 2 weeks! Talk about awesome!! Traveled to North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennesee!
(Just a few snapshots from my wonderful vacation!!)
Started to work at the Florida Bookstore. On my feet for hours at a time...ouch! Bought my first pair of pumas though! Super comfy!!
Biggest news ever....: SEIZURE FREE!!!! Allowed to drive again!!! Best news of the summer!!!!! :))))
This girl turned 21!! Uh-oh!! ;)
(Notice the shot glass ;)...Don't worry...it was never used...;)
I joined Sigma Phi Lambda!
My beautiful pledge sisters! <3
The best friends a girl could have :)
My future big!!! :)
Oh, I also started UF!! Super funnn!!! :)
Got initiated into Sigma Phi Lambda! :)
I also got my big!! Love her soo much!
Love her!
I also got extremely close to these girls..love them so much!
Seriously. love them!
Nothing exciting really happened...except my honorary niece turned 1!! :) I, unfortunately, don't have pictures of her actually but I have a picture from that day with my best frannn!
Could. not. live. without. her!
Finished my first semester at UF! Whoo hoo!! (Also got A's and B's..no big deal...)
Kappa Phi Christmas Party!
This girl is muh besttiee! :)
Yeah. We're awkward. Oh well.
Last but not least... Initiation!!!
Paddle reveal!!
Officially in Sigma Phi Lambda!!! :))))
So that's a recap of my year. A lot happened, both good and bad. I'm really excited for 2012. I can't wait to see what God has in plan for me!
2012, BRING IT ON!! :)
Toodle-oo lovelies! :)
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